MX Location Tijuana, BC.
Opening Hours Mon-Thu - Fri-Sat 9:AM - 5PM
Call us today 6644117077
Médico     Dr. Francisco Rueda

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment is a medical procedure used in a wide range of specialties to treat various conditions and improve cosmetic appearance. The laser uses an intense, focused light source that delivers a concentrated beam of energy to a specific area of the body. In dermatology, lasers are used to treat skin conditions such as blemishes, wrinkles, scars, acne, and precancerous skin lesions. The laser can penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin without damaging the surface, allowing for precise and controlled treatment. In addition to dermatology, lasers are also used in ophthalmology to correct vision problems, in dentistry to treat periodontal diseases, and in surgery for precise cutting and coagulation of tissue.


In the aesthetic field, laser treatment has become very popular to rejuvenate the skin and treat problems such as wrinkles and blemishes. Different types of lasers, such as the fractionated CO2 laser and the diode laser, are used to stimulate collagen production in the skin and remove damaged top layers. This can improve skin texture, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and diminish the appearance of dark spots. Aesthetic laser treatment is generally performed in several sessions, and the number of sessions and the intensity of the laser used depend on the condition to be treated and the individual needs of the patient. It is always important to seek out a trained and experienced professional to perform any type of laser treatment, as improper use can result in unwanted effects or skin injury.



Laser Treatment

Laser treatment is a medical procedure used in a wide range of specialties to treat various conditions and improve cosmetic appearance. The laser uses an intense, focused light source that delivers a concentrated beam of energy to a specific area of the body.

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